
Books and Book Chapters

Murray, Will and de Rijk, L. 2022.  Chapter 11: Standards of training. In L. de Rijk, R. Gray and F. Bourke. Neurolinguistic Programming in Clinical Settings: Theory and evidence-based practice. Routledge: London.

Murray, Will and Craig Howie.  2013. The Four Pillars of Triathlon: Vital Mental Conditioning for Endurance Athletes.   93 p.

Murray, Will. 2011. Uncle! The Definitive Guide for Becoming the World’s Greatest Aunt or Uncle. New York, N.Y. Morgan James Publishing. 111 p.

Murray, Will.  1995. Lessons Learned from 35 years of Preserve Management: the Preserve System of The Nature Conservancy. 197-205.In Expanding Partnerships in Conservation. Jeffrey A. McNeely, (ed.) Covelo, CA: Island Press.

Murray, Will.  1989.  Santa Cruz Island–Sanctuary in the Sea.  145-151.  In California Wild Lands, A Guide to The Nature Conservancy Preserves.  Dwight Holing.  San Francisco, CA:  Chronicle Books.


Murray, Will. (2024). Exploring the relationship between sports and business. Next Gen Talk. March 4, 2024. Retrieved from

Murray, Will. (2024). Save your race when you are having a bad day. The Extra Mile (262). June 30, 2024. Retrieved from

Murray, Will. (2023). Enhance your safety during the triathlon swim.  Fast Talk Labs, October 11, 2023.  Retrieved from

Murray, Will. (2023). One tip to improve your workouts. The Extra Mile (250) June 16, 2023. Retrieved from

Murray, Will. (2023). What is your athlete persona?. The Extra Mile (246) April 3, 2023. Retrieved from

Murray, Will. (2023). Fine tune your motivation. The Extra Mile (245) February, 2023. Retrieved from

Murray, Will. (2023). Global Triathlon Safety Task Force Issues Guidelines to Reduce Injuries and Fatalities. Colorado Triathlete. January 5, 2023. Retrieved from

Murray, Will. (2022). Enhancing race performance the week before your race. The Extra Mile. September 30, 2022. Retrieved from

Murray, Will. (2022). Use this checklist to become more comfortable in open water. Colorado Triathlete. August 24, 2022. Retrieved from

Murray, Will. (2022). How to mastermind your comeback Colorado Triathlete. July 6, 2022. Retrieved from

Murray, Will. (2022). After the setback, now what? Colorado Triathlete. June 9, 2022. Retrieved from

Murray, Will.  (2021). Eat wisely during the holidays. D3 Extra Mile.  November 24, 2021.  Retrieved from

Murray, Will.  (2021). When to reach out. D3 Extra Mile.  October 9, 2021. Retrieved from

Murray, Will. (2021) A new year, a new day.  D3 Multisport.  Retrieved from

Murray, Will. (2021). Things that are very hard to bear are sweet to remember. Sur blog June 16, 2021. Retrieved from

 Murray, Will. (2020).  Recover from Setbacks and Come Back Strong.  USA Triathlon Multisport Zone.  October 13, 2020.    Retrieved from

Murray, Will.  (2020).  Taking trials in stride.  National Institute for Trial Advocacy Podcast.   August 4, 2020.  Retrieved from

Murray, Will.  (2020).  60 seconds to calm your nerves on race day. D3 Extra Mile.  March 18, 2020.  Retrieved from

Murray, Will.  (2019).  Bring your brain to your workouts.  Dave Scott Newsletter. November 26, 2019.  Retrieved from:

Murray, Will.  (2019).  Making the most of your mantra.  D3 Multisport Minute.  January 24, 2019.  Retrieved from:

Murray, Will.  (2019).  Race day planning part 2: the pre-morten.  USA Triathlon Multisport Zone. January 16, 2019.  Retrieved from:

Murray, Will.  (2019).  Race day planning part 1: writing a plan in 7 steps.  USA Triathlon Multisport Zone. January 10, 2019.  Retrieved from

Murray, Will. (2018).  Channel Superman to nail your next transition.  USA Triathlon Multisport Lab.  December 4, 2018.  Retrieved from

Murray, Will. (2018).  Bring your lemonade money.  303Cycling.  June 13, 2018.  Retrieved from

Murray, Will.  (2018).  Make your hard workouts easy (or at least easier).  June 12, 2018.  Retrieved from

Murray, Will.  (2017). Pacing the cage: making the most of your taper week. USA Triathlon Multisport Zone. August 30, 2017.  Retrieved from

Murray, Will.  (2017). Don’t doubt that you belong.  The Extra Mile, August 23, 2017.  Retrieved from

Murray, Will.  (2017). Increase your open water comfort level.  USA Triathlon Defeat Same: Try a Triathlon.  Retrieved from

Murray, Will.  (2017). But what if? Overcoming fear of triathlon.  USA Triathlon Defeat Same: Try a Triathlon.  Retrieved from

Murray, Will.  (2017). How not to be embarrassed at your first triathlon.  USA Triathlon Defeat Same: Try a Triathlon.  Retrieved from

Murray, Will.  (2017).  Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon course preview.  D3Multisport Newsletter, May 25, 2017.  Retrieved from

Murray, Will.  (2017).  Getting a triathlon coach: Am I worth it?  D3Multisport Newsletter, April 25, 2017.  Retrieved from

Murray, Will.  (2017).  Timex Multisport Team completes Boulder Camp.  Retrieved from

Murray, Will.  (2017).  Workout motivation techniques that actually work.  Retrieved from

Murray, Will.  (2017).    Two minutes to a better workout. Mile Hi Endurance Podcast #65.  Retrieved from

Murray, Will. (2016).  Put the kibosh on self-limiting chatter in two steps.

Murray, Will. (2016).  Kids tri the darndest things.

Murray, Will. (2016). Ironman 70.3 Utah—Freeze or fry.

Murray, Will. (2016). Helping organizations change.

Murray, Will. (2016). Don’t just endure it—learn to love swimming

Murray, Will. (2016). Quelling open water swim discomfort.

Murray, Will. (2015). Training youth to address self-talk.

Murray, Will. (2015). Increase your open water comfort level.

Murray, Will. (2015).  Training with a squad.

Murray, Will. (2015).  In memoriam: John Wrenn was instrumental in Colorado swimming.

Murray, Will. (2015). Five steps to removing the pressure of race day.

Murray, Will. (2015). Triathlon services trifecta: Endurance House celebrates third anniversary

Murray, Will. (2015). Five mental techniques you can do in five seconds.  :

Murray, Will. (2015). Two questions to help you increase your motivation to train.

Murray, Will.  (2015). Ironman Boulder humor: it’s time to chuckle at 2015.

Murray, Will.  (2015). Six ways to calm your open water swim angst

Murray, Will.  (2015).  Insider tips for Ironman Boulder 2015.

Murray, Will.  (2015). Using NLP in ordinary life.

Murray, Will. (2015).  Maybe it’s not a panic attack after all.

Murray, Will. (2015).  Psych yourself in.

Murray, Will.  (2015).  Finding your spring motivation.

Murray, Will. (2015). Two minutes to a better workout.

Murray, Will.  (2015). OrangeTheory athletes turn out to send Bianka to Disneyland.

Murray, Will.  (2015). Workout with a purpose.

Murray, Will.  (2015).  Is it time to join your local triathlon club?

Murray, Will.  (2015). New triathlon club forms in Boulder.

Murray, Will.  (2015). Winter training: strength conditioning time.

Murray, Will. (2014). Local author releases pair of running, triathlon books.

Murray, Will. (2014). Eat like you train to limit holiday weight gain.

Murray, Will. (2014). T’is the athlete’s season for body work.

Murray, Will. (2014).  USA Triathlon Rocky Mountain Region sets up for 2015.

Murray, Will. (2014).  Colorado triathletes receive warm Ironman reception  in Kona.

Murray, Will. (2014).  Changes in USA Triathlon Rocky Mountain Region.

Murray, Will. (2014).  Reflections on Ironman Boulder from atop a paddleboard. August 28, 2014.

Murray, Will. (2014).  You Only Live Once triathlon nearing capacity.  August 6, 2014.

Murray, Will. (2014). Don’t get divorced over triathlon.  July 21, 2014.

Murray, Will. (2014). Three things to do before you start your race.  July 9, 2014.

Murray, Will. (2014).  Four steps to getting over a bad race.  June 18, 2014.

Murray, Will. (2014).  USA Triathlon annual membership: an owner’s manual.  June 17, 2014.

Murray, Will.  (2014).  You already know how to persevere. June 11, 2014.

Murray, Will.  (2014).  Summer triathlon opportunities for youth.  May 28, 2014.

Murray, Will.  (2014).  Kids get their chance to tri.  April 29, 2014.

Murray, Will. (2014).  Kids triathlon clinic set for June 14.  March 26, 2014.

Murray, Will.  (2014).  Motivation for the workouts you don’t want to do. March 23, 2014.

Howie, Craig and Will Murray. (2014). Discipline shouldn’t be hard.  March 16, 2014.

Murray, Will. (2014).  Kids That Tri coming to Boulder and Fort Collins.  February 14, 2014.

Murray, Will. (2014). Endurance House Westminster to host mental training clinic. January 28, 2014.

Murray, Will. (2014). More camps to consider in your 2014 plan.  January 11. 2014.

Murray, Will. (2013).  Add a camp to your new year plans.  December 31, 2013.

Murray, Will. (2013).  Indoor cycling season sets in for Boulder.  December 6, 2013.

Murray, Will. (2013).   Helpful self-talk aids endurance athletes. November 11, 2013.

Murray, Will. (2013).  CO swim clinics filling fast. November 4, 2013.

Murray, Will. (2013).  Hawaii champion swimmer offering swim clinics in Colorado.  October 17, 2013.

Murray, Will. (2013).  A look inside the new Endurance House Westminster. October 15, 2013.

Murray, Will. (2013). adds mental conditioning in new indoor cycling video series. October 14, 2013.

Murray, Will. (2013).  Endurance House opens in Westminster.  October 12, 2013.

Murray, Will. (2013).  Oktoberfest: your last chance to race a triathlon in Colorado this season.  September 27, 2013.

Murray, Will. (2013). Last chance to swim in Boulder Reservoir.  September 6, 2013.

Murray, Will. (2013).  Ironman Boulder bike course video coming soon to CompuTrainer.  September 6, 2013.

Murray, Will. (2013).  Last chance to swim in Boulder Reservoir for 2013.  September 3, 2013.

Murray, Will. (2013).  A look at the Ironman Boulder bike course.  August 31, 2013.

Murray, Will.  (2013).  Attend to what’s important when racing.  August 16, 2013.

Murray, Will.  (2013).  Essential swim warm up—bobbing?  July 25, 22013.

Murray, Will. (2013).  Mentally rehearse your workouts to define purpose.  June 16, 2013.

Murray, Will.  (2013). Get your mind right: Race Mentality Clinic coming to Boulder.  June 18, 2013.

Murray, Will.  (2013). Got your Crash Pack in your bike jersey? May 18, 2013.

Murray, Will.  (2013).  One more thing for your cycling kit–lemonade money. May 14, 2013.

Murray, Will.  (2013).  Curious about triathlon? Seminar tonight. April 25, 2013.

Murray, Will. (2013).  Book Review: The Natural History of San Francisco Bay in Natural Areas Journal 33(2) 2013.  Pp. 230-1.

Murray, Will.  (2013). Want a faster bike pace? Get small.  April 19, 2013.

Murray, Will. (2013).  Frank Shorter to speak to Boulder Triathlon Club.  April 9, 2013.

Murray, Will.  (2013).  Ironman Melbourne winner Corinne Abraham shows class. April 4, 2013.

Murray, Will. (2013).   Diving into triathlon free seminar at REI in Boulder.  April 1, 2013.

Murray, Will.  (2013). Triathletes Find Free Speed from Bike Tires.  March 5, 2013.

Murray, Will.  How Caffeine Affects Your Mind During Racing and Training.  February 8, 2013.

Murray, Will.  Does Caffeine Enhance Performance Sports Performance?  January 30, 2013.

Murray, Will.  Winter Reading: What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Huraki Murakami.  December 31, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Sprinkle Some Joy into Your Holiday Workouts.  December 24, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Advice from and Open Water Champion:  Todd Bryan.  November 27, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Racing Ironman Arizona.  November 13, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Elite Swimmer and Coach Giving Clinics in Highlands Ranch this Weekend.  November 6, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Sport Specific Cycling: Rory Sutherland.  October 30, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Don’t Travel with a Salmon.  October 25, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Ironman: A Local’s Journey, Literally.  October 19, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Ten ways to support your athlete in Kona.  October 9, 2012.

Murray, Will.  The science of the smile.  October 2, 2012.

Murray, Will.  The joy of board service.  September 25, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Don’t crack in the heat—scale up.  September 4, 2012.

Murray, Will and Craig Howie.  Training versus practice.  August, 2012. p. 76.

Murray, Will.  Elation and disappointment at Leadville 100 trail run. August 29, 2012.

Murray, Will.  What’s your athlete persona?  August 14, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Fish out a bad cast.  August 12, 2012.

Murray, Will.   Six tips for racing in the heat.  August 3, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Safety tips for bicyclists. July 31, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Local athlete offers free running drills sessions.  July 26, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Enhance your triathlon power.  July 10, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Triathlon training by boredom.  June 20, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Six lessons from a half-ironman triathlete.  June 18, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Denver neighborhood welcomes triathlon.  June 12, 2012.

Murray, Will. Triathlon clinic promises free speed.  May 21, 2012.

Murray, Will.  The four pillars of triathlon.  May 17, 2012.

Murray, Will.  What is the toughest Ironman?  May 15, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Boulder athletes show speed in California.  May 13, 2012.

Murray, Will. Seven reasons to do the Denver Triathlon.  May 4, 2012.

Murray, Will. Use strength training for strong race finishes. May 4, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Use Your Head to Enhance Exercise Recovery.  May 2, 2012.

Murray, Will. Coaches get together for beyond the basics training. April 29, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Top climbers to offer advice in free Boulder seminar.  April 27, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Advanced Techniques for Accelerated Recovery Time.  April 20, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Recovery Time, When Fitness Happens.  April 18, 2012.

Murray, Will. Bring Your Lemonade Money.  April 16, 2012.

Murray, Will and Craig Howie. Boost Off Last Season to Propel 2012.  303Triathlon, April 11, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Make the Most of Your Transition. March 27, 2012.

Howie, Craig and Will Murray.  Race in Your Favorite State. April, 2012, p. 112.

Murray, Will.  Are Your Coachable? Boulder Triathlon Club Newsletter, March/April 2012.

Murray, Will and Craig Howie.  Use Mental Conditioning to Put Your Race Season to Bed.  Training Peaks, January 2012.

Murray, Will and Craig Howie.  Strength and Balance for Hikers.  (video).  January, 2012.

Murray, Will.  Remembering Not to Forget to Rehearse.  Boulder Triathlon Club Newsletter,  December, 2011.

Murray, Will and Craig Howie.  Free Speed from Quick Transition. October, 2011, p. 70.

Murray, Will and Craig Howie.  See Your Way to Better Results. September, 2011, p. 73.

Murray, Will.  2011.  Sound Sleep the Night Before Your Race.  Boulder Triathlon Club Newsletter, September, 2011.

Murray, Will and Stephen Walker.  2011.  Calm the Jitters Before Your Next Race.  Podium Sports Journal, August 27, 2011.

Murray, Will and Craig Howie.  2011. Self-Talk in Endurance Events – Keep Your Inner Voice Positive.  Podium Sports Journal, August 11, 2011.

Murray, Will and Craig Howie.  2011.  A Long Day Outdoors: Mental Conditioning for Ironman Triathlons. Podium Sports Journal, July 17, 2011.

Murray, Will.  2010.  Use Your Race Experience To Shine as a Volunteer.
Boulder Triathlon Club newsletter, October 30, 2010.

Murray, Will. 2009. Book Review Restoring the Colorado River Ecosystem. Natural Areas Journal. 29:2. 321

Murray, Will.  2008.  Does Volunteering Enhance Your Race Experience?  Triathlon Life.  11:4. 52.

Murray, Will.  2006.  Reflecting on Organizational Sustainability.  Reprinted in River Fundraising Alert.  Summer 2006: 5-8.

Murray, Will.  2005.  What Really Matters.  Natural Area News 9:2.  1

Murray, Will.  2004.  Reflecting on Organizational Sustainability.  Colorado Watershed Assembly Newsletter.

Murray, Will.  2003.  In Tough Times, Get Strategic.  Natural Area News 3:1.

Murray, Will.  2001.  Colorado Natural Areas Program Emerges from Elimination Proposal.  Natural Area News 5:1.

Murray, Will. 2000.  Volunteers Are Changing: How Volunteer Programs Can Adapt Grassroots Fundraising Journal 19:2.  7-8.

Murray, Will and S. Bischoff. 1999.  Some Basic Steps to Marketing Success. Exchange: Journal of the Land Trust Alliance  18:1  15-16.